Travel Information
Before You Fly
Did you know that when travelling to or from Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, you are travelling internationally and that international check-in deadlines apply? Please check here to make sure your travel experience is as smooth and stress free as possible!
Required Documents
Did you know that Saint-Pierre et Miquelon is an overseas collectivity of France and depending on your nationality, you may or may not require a passport? Please check here to make sure you have all the proper required documents before you travel with us!
Flying with Children
We know travelling with infants and/or children can be a challenge and we’d like to help make the whole experience as smooth and safe as possible! Please take a look here to find all the answers to any questions or concerns you may have!
Baggage Information
We know that packing can be nerve-racking. From what to pack to how you can pack it, you’ll find all you need to know right here!
Customers with Special Needs
While Air Saint-Pierre cares for everyone who flies with us, we know some of you need that little bit of extra attention. Here’s where you’ll find what you need to know about guests with special needs.
Flying with Pets
Your pet is our passenger too; we want them to be as comfortable as possible when they travel with us! Find here all the answers to any questions or concerns you may have for transporting your animals!
Dangerous Goods
Did you know that there are certain items that are prohibited to take on a plane? Check here first before packing your bags to make sure you are allowed to bring certain items!
General Tariffs
Here you’ll find all you need to know about Air Saint-Pierre’s tariffs.