Canada/US: 1-877-277-7765 | International: +508-41-00-00 | SPM: 05-08-41-00-00


St. John’s | Halifax | Montreal

Cargo Handling to and from St. John’s:

PAL Aviation Cargo provides all the outbound and inbound cargo handling services for Air Saint-Pierre in St. John’s.

NOTE: Live animals can only be shipped to Saint-Pierre on Wednesdays. For more information on importing animals to Saint-Pierre click here.

How to Apply to the Air Cargo Security (ACS) Program

PAL Aviation Cargo Customer Service Warehouse – St. John’s International Airport – RCAF road, Hangar no 4 – MAP:

Hours of Operations:  
Monday to Friday : 08h30 – 17h00
Weekends and Statutory Holidays: Closed


From North America: From France:
Telephone: (709) 576-1887 or (888) 839-1999 Telephone: 001.709.576.1887
Fax: (709) 576-3087 Email:


PAL Aviation Cargo Fees*:

0 – 10 kilos = $9.50CAD (flat fee) + tax (15%)
11 kilos and over = flat fee + 0.11¢ per additional kilo + tax (15%)


Air Saint-Pierre Transport Fees:

Fees from St. John’s: Fees from Saint-Pierre:
0-8 kilos = $15.60 0-8 kilos = €11,44
9 kilos and over = $1.95 per kilo 9 kilos and over = €1,43 per kilo

Air Saint-Pierre holding fees:
Shipments must be picked up within 7 days of arrival in Saint-Pierre. Any shipment held for longer will have the following fee added to the total shipment charge :

  • ≤ 8 kilos : 1 €/day
  • more than 8 kg : 0.15 €/kg/day


*The PAL Aviation Cargo Fees will be added to the Air Saint-Pierre fees*

 The cargo transport fees (PAL Aviation Cargo + Air Saint-Pierre) are all paid by the consignee in Saint-Pierre at the downtown office

Depending on the value of the merchandise, there may be duty fees applied by French Customs (paid separately) in addition to the cargo transport fees.

For more information on the duty fees please contact French Customs:

From North America: From France:
Telephone: 011.508.41.17.40 Telephone: 05.08. 41.17.40


Inbound Cargo from Saint-Pierre to St. John’s

Inbound cargo is held at the PAL Aviation Cargo Warehouse location until released by Canada Boarder Services Agency.

Note: It is the receiver’s responsibility to contact the Canadian Boarder Services Agency (CBSA) to arrange the inspection and the release of the inbound cargo. The receiver (or broker) must also be present during the inspection.

Depending on the value of the merchandise, there may be duty fees applied by Canadian Customs (paid separately) in addition to the Air Saint-Pierre fees.

For more information on the duty fees please contact Canadian Customs:

From North America: From France (Service in French and English):
Telephone in St. John’s: (709) 772-5544 Telephone in St. John’s: 001.709.772.5544
Toll Free French: 1-800-989-2036 Alternate: 001.204.983.3500
Toll Free English: 1-800-461-9999 Alternate: 001.506.636.5064


Outbound Cargo Handling from Halifax:

How to Apply to the Air Cargo Security (ACS) Program

All the outbound cargo handling services in Halifax is done directly at the Air Saint-Pierre office in the Halifax International Airport:

Halifax International Airport, 747 boulevard Bell, PO Box 1660, Goffs, N-E, Canada, B2T 1K2:

Hours of Operation:  
Monday to Friday: 09h00 to 15h30
Saturday, Sunday: Closed


From North America: From France:
Telephone: (902) 873-3566 Telephone: 001.902.873.3566


Air Saint-Pierre Transport Fees:

Air Saint-Pierre fees are all paid in Saint-Pierre at the downtown office by the receiver.

Fees from Halifax: Fees from Saint-Pierre:
0-8 kilos = $27.20 0-8 kilos = €20,00
9 kilos and over = $3.40 per kilo 9 kilos and over = €2,50 per kilo

Air Saint-Pierre holding fees:
Shipments must be picked up within 7 days of arrival in Saint-Pierre. Any shipment held for longer will have the following fee added to the total shipment charge :

  • ≤ 8 kilos : 1 €/day
  • more than 8 kg : 0.15 €/kg/day


Inbound Cargo from Saint-Pierre to Halifax

Inbound cargo from Saint-Pierre is held at the Air Canada Cargo location.

Note: It is the receiver’s responsibility to contact a Broker to arrange the inspection and the release of the inbound cargo with the Canadian Boarder Services Agency (CBSA).

Depending on the value of the merchandise, there may be duty fees applied by Canadian Customs (paid separately) and the broker (paid separately) in addition to the Air Saint-Pierre fees.

For more information on the duty fees please contact Canadian Customs:

From North America: From France (Service in French & English):
Toll Free French: 1-800-989-2036 Telephone: 001.204.983.3500
Toll Free English: 1-800-461-9999 Alternate:


Cargo Handling to and from Montreal:

How to Apply to the Air Cargo Security (ACS) Program

Menzies Aviation provides all the outbound and inbound cargo handling services for Air Saint-Pierre in Montreal.


Menzies Aviation Office:

Hours of Operation: (800 Stuart Graham South, Dorval, Qc, H4Y 1J6)
Monday to Friday: 09h00 am 16h30 pm


From North America: From France:
Telephone: (514) 420-3431 Telephone: 001.514.420.3431
Fax: (514) 420-3439 Alternate: 001.514.420.3439


Air Saint-Pierre Transport Fees:

Air Saint-Pierre Fees and Menzies Aviation are paid in Montreal by the shipper or in Saint-Pierre at the downtown office by the receiver.

** Due to a very limited cargo capacity on our Montreal flights, it is strongly recommended to contact the company prior to verify space availability at 011.508.41.00.00 or**

Fees from Montreal: Fees from Saint-Pierre:
0-8 kilos = $44 0-8 kilos = €29,60
9 kilos and over = $5.50 per kilo 9 kilos and over = €3,70 per kilo

Air Saint-Pierre holding fees:
Shipments must be picked up within 7 days of arrival in Saint-Pierre. Any shipment held for longer will have the following fee added to the total shipment charge :

  • ≤ 8 kilos : 1 €/day
  • more than 8 kg : 0.15 €/kg/day


Inbound Cargo from Saint-Pierre to Montreal

Inbound cargo from Saint-Pierre is held at the Menzies Aviation location, until released by CBSA.

Note: It is the receiver’s responsibility to contact a broker to arrange the inspection and the release of the inbound cargo with the Canadian Boarder Services Agency (CBSA).

Depending on the value of the merchandise, there may be duty fees applied by Canadian Customs (paid separately) and the broker (paid separately) in addition to the Air Saint-Pierre fees.

For more information on the duty fees please contact Canadian Customs:

From North America: From France (Service in French & English):
Toll Free French: 1-800-989-2036 Telephone: 001.204.983.3500
Toll Free English: 1-800-461-9999 Alternate: 001.506.636.5064


Last updated: July 15, 2022